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Invisalign for Teenagers in Marblehead and Middleton

Invisalign for teenagers is the ideal solution for achieving a straight, confident smile without the hassles of traditional braces. At Marblehead and Middleton Smiles, serving Marblehead and Middleton, we understand the unique needs and concerns of teenagers. Invisalign offers a discreet, comfortable, and removable orthodontic option, allowing teens to maintain their self-esteem and oral hygiene routines. Our expert orthodontists personalize each treatment plan to ensure the best results. With Invisalign, teenagers can embrace their orthodontic journey with confidence.


Invisalign Clear aligners are a solution for different cases

Invisalign can fix your smile from simple cases to more complicated ones*. See below a variety of situations an Invisalign treatment can help in.

Baby to permanent teeth
Gapped teeth
Generally Straighter Teeth
Crowded Bite
Open Bite

Invisalign Clear aligners are a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces, making them an excellent choice for patients of all ages. Whether your child needs minor adjustments to correct slight misalignments or more complex orthodontic work to address issues like overbites, underbites, or crowding, Invisalign can be an effective solution.

*It's important to listen to the advice and recommendation of your orthodontist. More complicated cases might require braces treatment to achieve optimal desired results.

These videos do not belong to us; they are taken from the official Invisalign® website

Elevate Your Teenager's Smile with Invisalign Teen: Modern Orthodontic Confidence

At our practice, our orthodontists and team proudly offer Invisalign Teen, a discreet orthodontic solution designed to enhance both oral health and the aesthetics of your teenager's smile. With Invisalign Teen, your child can preserve their self-assured grin while achieving optimal teeth alignment. To learn more about how Invisalign Teen can benefit your teenager, contact us today to schedule their appointment.

Invisalign Teen is a game-changer for teenagers seeking orthodontic treatment. It offers an array of benefits that cater to their unique lifestyle and needs. With its nearly invisible design, it allows teenagers to maintain their self-confidence throughout treatment. The removable aligners also make it easy to enjoy favorite foods and maintain regular oral hygiene routines, reducing disruptions to their daily life. Invisalign Teen is a modern and comfortable orthodontic solution that empowers teenagers to embrace their treatment journey while achieving a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Girl's Softball Team Members

Invisalign Teen: Modern Orthodontics, Effortless Lifestyle

Experience orthodontic transformation like never before with Invisalign Teen. This innovative system uses clear plastic trays that snugly fit over your teeth, eliminating the need for metal brackets and wires. The best part? The trays are nearly invisible and removable, making it easy to enjoy your favorite activities, whether it's eating, playing sports, or playing musical instruments.

Throughout your Invisalign Teen journey, our dedicated team will monitor your progress and provide you with modified trays to ensure your treatment stays on the right track.


Our expert pediatric dentist and orthodontists specializes in discreetly helping teenagers achieve the smiles they desire. To discover more about Invisalign Teen clear aligners, contact our office and schedule an appointment with our welcoming team.

(Invisalign and the Invisalign logo are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.)

Smiling Teenage Boy
Book your complimentary Invisalign consultation in Marblehead, MA and Middleton, MA

What is the Invisalign system?

Invisalign treatment can be a great alternative to traditional metal braces. It consists of a series of clear plastic aligners made to fit your smile. They are comfortable to wear and can be removed for meals and for cleaning. Their most popular feature is their clarity. Because they are transparent and fit directly against the teeth, they are practically impossible for anyone to see.

What is the Invisalign process?

Your treatment will begin with a visit with our dentists to see if Invisalign is the right treatment for you. Then, we will take digital impressions of your smile. Those impressions will be sent to lab and used to create your series of aligners. You will wear each set of aligners for a prescribed amount of time before switching to the next set. During your treatment, your teeth will be gently moved into their proper positions.

How do I care for my aligners?

You will find that your aligners are very easy to care for! We will provide you with a case to hold your aligners while you eat or play sports. The aligners are removed for cleaning, which can be done with a simple solution of soap or warn water or a nonabrasive toothpaste and soft-bristled toothpaste. Invisalign also offers a solution designed to clean your appliances.

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